BA Senior Project Process Notebook
BA Senior Project Process Notebook
Welcome to my BA Senior Project Process, a comprehensive documentation of my academic journey during the Fall 2023 semester at San Jose State University.
Nature's Whisper Booklet
Beyond mere design processes, Nature's Whisper booklet encapsulates a deeper narrative – a journey of learning, growth, and a diverse approach to understanding the intricacies of each project.
Nature's Whisper Booklet includes
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Story of Nature
Chapter 2: The Beauty of Diversiry
Chapter 3: The Magic of Ocean Life?
Chapter 4: Ends Unleash New Beginnings
• Resume & Business Card
• Class Intentions
Cover Back
Click to see each page
Palette of Whispers
While the overall vibe of the Nature's Whisper Booklet is rooted in nature and gradients, each chapter unveils its array of colors and distinct features, creating a dynamic visual experience and embracing different stories.